Tips and Facts

This page gives you tips on how to take care of your plants at home. Whether you're experienced or a new plant parent, these tips will help you to have thriving houseplants!

Treat Your Houseplants With These Tips

Tip 1: Get a Pot With a Drainage Hole

Having a plant pot with a drainage hole is important because it allows excess water to drain from the soil. This allows the roots to breathe rather than being suffocated in excess water. If the roots were to suffocate in water, this would result in root rot and your plant dying soon after.

Tip 2: Water Correctly

Yes your plants need water, however, there is such a thing as too much water. Be sure to water your plants deeply until excess water drips from the bottom drainage hole. Don't continue to water the plant when it starts to drain excess water or else you'll drown your plant! You should be doing this whenever you feel your plant soil is dry. Trouble-shoot your watering routine by learning about the common signs of over-or under-watering plants.

Tip 3: Repot When Needed

On average, young plants need to be repotted every year. How would you know if your plant needs to be repotted? If you check the bottom of your plant pot and see roots growing out from the drainage hole, that is a sign that your plant needs more room. Another sign is if your plant is overflowing from the pot you have it in. The best time to repot is during the growing seasons-spring and summertime. Check out this website to learn the do's and don'ts of repotting your plants.

Tip 4: Choose Plants That Work With Your Schedule

Perhaps you have a busy schedule where you dont have as much time to cater to your plants. In that case, it would be smart to get a low maintenence plant. Some examples are snake plants, succulents, a ZZ plant, and many more. Perhaps you have more time in your schedule to cater to your plants. In that case, you can get other plants like air plants, orchids, or ferns.

Tip 5: Clean your leaves

Houseplants can be a common ground for dirt and dust. It's easy for both to gather especially on larger leaves/plants. Dirty leaves can stunt growth and overall health by making it harder for sunlight to get through. This is why it's important to clean your leaves every few months. A gentle towel wipe with some water spray will get the job done!

Tip 6: Choose Correct Plant Lighting

Do some research on your plant and see if it prefers direct or indirect sunlight. From there you can troubleshoot what space in your living area will best suit your plant's needs. Remember that sunlight is important to your plant's life as it provides energy for it to grow. Here is an article that gives you everything you need to know about proper sunlight for indoor plants.

Hopefully these tips help you on your planting journey!